Influencers – Get Athletic Scholarships

If You Know a Lot of Athletes and Their Families, We Need To Talk

Use Your Connections To Help A Lot of Kids Fulfill Their Potential

If you’re reading this page, it’s likely because you consider yourself a person of influence in some part of the athletic world. Whether it be as

  • An Athletic Director at a school, association or club,
  • A representative of a business that focuses on youth athletes with a desire to obtain higher education,
  • A Counselor that helps youth live up to their potential, or
  • Any other profession or volunteer position that brings you in contact with youth athletes and their families,
  • you have a special opportunity to help a great number of your community achieve a goal that many just view as a dream. We’re not only talking about playing sports at the collegiate level on scholarship, we’re really talking about providing an opportunity for these kids to receive a paid for or largely subsidized college education that will launch their lives down a path that may not otherwise be open to them.

    Many qualified athletes and their families are finding it harder and harder to keep abreast of all the latest scholarship information and the rising costs of tuition. While not every athlete is looking at a professional career in sports, many will be able to leverage their athletic skills to obtain a 4-year degree in a marketable field if given the chance.

    Our daughter was able to obtain an otherwise unaffordable college education, play collegiate basketball at the D-1 level and is now enjoying the beginnings of a wonderful career, in large part due to our ability to successfully navigate the athletic scholarship maze…all this after being told by her high school coach, “YOU’RE JUST NOT GOOD ENOUGH”.

    For our daughter and for most student athletes, the end game is to get their EDUCATION paid for, in part or in total, via college athletics. As we both know, the odds are stacked against any one athlete from having a successful professional career in sports. So, choosing the right school ACADEMICALLY and socially is actually as important, if not more so, than choosing the college based on sport alone.

    We developed a 6-Step Game Plan to guide your student athlete on the right path to obtaining a highly coveted athletic scholarship subsidization of their education. Included are strategies and worksheets to help them choose the right school and walk away at the end of their collegiate athletic sports years with a diploma in a highly marketable field for their 40-year work career.

    If you’d like to have better tools to help you counsel your high school athletes more effectively toward obtaining a college athletic scholarship, then Contact Us and to learn how this workbook and website can help you can help more of your high school. Or explore with the buttons below.